Monday, March 05, 2007

Save Smith Falls

Smith falls is a small town on the outskirts of Ottawa with a population of about 9000 people. If Hersey follows through on their plans to shut down their plant and move it to Mexico that will mean at least 500 direct jobs lost and countless indirect ones. I'm sure Smith Falls will survive as a town, thanks to it's close proximity to Ottawa, but moving from a self sustaining town to a suburb of a much larger city can have a drastic change the character of a place.

Since the announcement testimonials have been flying in from around the globe from people who have enjoyed their tours of the facility. There was even a letter in the Sun from a native Pennsylvanian who say he never visits any of the local Hersey sites but makes the trip with his family to Smith Falls every year or two.

So if you'd like to send a little notice to Hersey about their moving locations please head over to the "Keep Hershey in Smith's Falls" petition and add your signature to the list.



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