Wednesday, May 03, 2006

St. Shivers of DuPont

In keeping with today's theme of great ideas, I'd like to draw special attention to the contribution to society of Mr. Joseph Shivers, or St. Shivers as he is more commonly known around my condo.

While not formally recognised by the Catholic church as a Saint, it is my firm belief that he more than meets the 3 miracle requirement to get into that most selective of clubs. Just the other day I was witness to not one, but two miracles that could be directly attributed to Joe.

And while much harm has been done in Joseph's name, I believe the good, firmly outweighs the bad. I can not hold him accountable for all the poor judgements made by people, especially when faced with the images placed before my eyes not two days ago while taking Foster out for a walk.

God bless all your good works Mr. Shivers.

I guess I should send out a special thank your to all those people who have worked so hard to make the most of Joseph's dream; Joseph William Foster and Phil Knight both deserve special mention in that department.


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