Monday, April 03, 2006

"We hold these truths to be self-evident"

But even so, it's always nice to have some data to back you up.

This recent study performed by the Director of the Political Communication Lab at Stanford University, Shanto Iyengar, and Washington Post polling director and staff writer, Richard Morin, found that while people of all political stripes generally dislike Hitler and Michael Jackson, that's about the point that all civility ends.

Using a combination of a modified version of wack-a-mole and a series of surveys, the two were able to determine that not only does one political leanings help determine which politicians you will generally like or dislike (you don't really need to pay two researchers to do that) but more interestingly, by how much they affect your like or dislike.

What they found, is that while Republicans strongly dislike Democratic political leaders, Democrats truly despise and hate Republican leaders (a 14% difference in negative ratings of opposition party members).

On an interesting side note, they found that for independents, and only for the independents, when faced with the wack-a-dictator portion prior to being questioned about national politicians, their views towards the Republicans were moved slightly, but measurably, towards a more favorable position.

As Lowell Ponte over at FrontPage points out (near the bottom), when mixed with the results from MRI tests done in a recent study at Emory University, which indicated that when people start to process information that contradicts their political views, the emotion center of the brain begins to take over and the logic center takes a break, explaining why for some people, the President can do no good.

And this all started because I was following Michelle's recommended links for more background into Cynthia McKinney's checkered history. I strongly urge you to read the whole FrontPage article from her post.

Ahh, the wonders of the Internet.


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