Friday, March 17, 2006

Barely Legal

Any other fans of 'Boston Legal' out there.

Despite the fact every episode is guaranteed at least one good anti-Bush rant (it always amazes me how every legal case in Boston has something to do with the Dubya) I keep on tuning in; well technically my PVR keeps tuning in and as we all know, you must watch what the PVR tells you too or risk offending the PVR Gods, who if displeased have been known to banish unworthy subscribers to basic cable; a fate worse than death.

Somehow, his extremely ill-informed and simplistic political speeches notwithstanding, I even continue to like James Spader's, 'Allan Shore' character, although hands down Shatner's 'Denny Crane' steals every scene he is in. But the cherry on top is definitely Alan's assistant, YOWZA! (I'm talking current episodes here, not the re-runs with Betty White in that position, although I'm sure in her day......)

It all just makes me want to tune in next week to see how they turn a case of public urination into and indictment of FEMA's handling of the Katrina crisis.

Did I mention Alan's assistant yet?


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